Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Attacking a disabled man in an assisted living facility

One tactic that Mary Cummins

of Cummins Real Estate Appraisals uses to punish Randy for hitting her with a $6.1 million judgment is to attack his friends, family and others on the internet.  For example, in August 2014 Randy represented a severely disabled man in a lawsuit against the assisted living facility he was living in to stop them from forcing him to get rid of his assistance animals. When the cyber-troll learned that this lawsuit had received some publicity she immediately began viciously attacking Randy's client and telling preposterous lies about him on Facebook and in comments to newspaper stories about the lawsuit, saying he had been "arrested" while he was an inpatient at a local hospital.  (He was in a hospital bed with a feeding tube in his stomach, recovering from major surgery at the time Cummins says he "beat up" someone and was "arrested" for "assault.")  As usual, Mary Cummins concocted this ridiculous lie and smeared yet another innocent victim as part of her ongoing vendetta to punish Randy. The newspaper where she was posting her nasty comments got so tired of repeatedly removing them that it finally barred all further comments.  Insanely, the cyber-troll then began accusing the disabled man of "harassing, stalking, and defaming me."  Mary Cummins of Cummins Appraisal Services even called the local police department in the disabled man's town and complained that he was "harassing" her.  The police went to his little apartment but after they learned about this infamous cyber-troll and how she harasses her victims by complaining about them to the police they kindly assured the disabled man that if Cummins makes any more such calls they will charge her with the criminal offense of making a false report to a police officer. (a crime punishable by up to six months in jail after extradition to Texas.)

To be Continued...

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Mary Cummins is a Relentless Cyber-Stalker

GARY DON COLEMAN has a Relentless Cyber-Stalker

Sep 18, 2014 — Just wanted let everyone know that because of this pending case against my Landlord. Gary has had a Cyber-Stalker now for the last month or so. It's time that all of you guys know to stay away from this women. She is mentally Ill in every way possible. I know she's listening and will read this. We have all the information we need on you. You will never ever hurt me again. Nice try calling the police on me! Calling Mirabella's attorney was a really bad move on your part. Google Mary Cummins name and see what you learn about her.

Mary Cummins is an infamous cyberstalker and defamer. She has a $6 million defamation judgment against her for telling horrific lies about one of her victims. For more information see 
Cyberstalker Mary Cummins Animal Advocates Harassment Defamation
Cyberstalker Mary Cummins Animal Advocates Harassment Defamation
This page has been created in response to numerous internet postings created by a cyber-stalker/ troll to ruin Randy's reputation. Bat World Sanctuary and its cyber-stalker/ troll An obsessive, mentally unbalanced woman in Beverly Hills, California has dedicated much of her life to spreading lies...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Mary Cummins attacks everyone

Mary Cummins would like for everyone to think that she is this big Animal Rights person who cares about animal. I have to admit if she cared half as much about her animals as she does trying to go after people that are disabled. She might be a successfull person someday. The sad part about that is we all know thats just not how Mary Cummins works. Let me explain. This women has been sued over 30 times in her past, and she has sued others more than 100 times. Mary Cummins goes after anyone and everyone. She cares nothing about money, she simply gets her kicks by going after those who she thinks she wont fight back.

Mary Cummins is a malicious cyber-stalker who has victimized dozens of people on the internet for the past two decades.
Mary Cummins' victims include attorneys, judges, rock stars, real estate professionals, neighbors, stock brokers, magazine and newspaper writers, city council women, animal care personnel, bikers, wildlife rehabilitators, churches, and animal sanctuaries.
Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is obsessive, vindictive and relentless. Unfortunately, the current cyber-laws are inadequate to deal with mentally unbalanced malcontents like Mary Cummins who use the internet to destroy others.

The purpose of this site is to expose the activities of Mary Cummins so that more innocent people are not victimized